Thursday, August 25, 2011

Life as we know it !!!

Life as we know it has many obstacles and many hurdles that we go through each and everyday.  Sometimes life can be hard but learning to adapt to your lifestyle can be hard.  I live by the motto Live, Life and Love and eventually everything goes as planned.  As life goes on we as people get satisfied and get stuck, but if you are not progressing your life stays in the same rut and you never change.  Im choosing to better my life and come about change.  I know that change does not happen over night but at least im trying ,but some people allow there past to interupt their future.  Allowing constant change in your life brings SUCCESS !!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keep on Keeping On !!!

Life has its up's and downs , but you just keep pressing foward until somethings happens.  I just got out the US Navy about a year ago my job was vey intresting I built bombs, missles and rockets for the pilots to drop on our enemies.  This job was the best job I ever had ,but God had a plan for me to do my four years and get out because my mom had cancer and I came back to take care of her.  This transtion from the miltary to school has not been the easiest but I am still pressing forth.  I just recently changed my major to political science eventually pursuing Law School.